Sandoz, Listening to Patient Perspectives: Richard Saynor in conversation with Patient Advocacy leader Pam Traxel Part 2.

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Algemeen advies 24/01/2021 09:37
As a company that brings essential medicines to patients across the world, it is vital that we hear from those we serve.

Last year, Sandoz CEO, Richard had begun a series of conversations to better understand patient perspectives. His first conversation was with patient advocacy leader, Pam Traxel, Senior Vice President of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network about the impact of COVID-19 on cancer patients.

In a follow up conversation, Richard learns more about the huge economic and psychological impact on US patients of unpredictable out-of-pocket costs for oncology medicines and the role companies like Sandoz can play in addressing the issue.

Curious to know more? Watch their full conversation
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