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Algemeen advies 16/01/2006 15:27
Diemen, The Netherlands, 16 January 2006 – CSM subsidiary, BakeMark UK today
announced a reorganization of its structure and operations. The reorganization will be
implemented and completed in the next few months.
Aim of the restructuring is more direct steering of the activities, thus eliminating a large number
of middle-management positions. The sales organization will also be restructured to focus more
strongly on successful product categories. Activities that do not add value will be terminated.
Processes will be optimized and simplified and roles and responsibilities made more transparent.
In total, 74 positions across all disciplines in the organization will disappear. In the case of forced
dismissals the employees involved will be assisted in finding a new suitable job.
These measures are in line with previous announcements regarding reinforcement of CSM’s
market positions and organizations and are part of CSM’s worldwide 3S program (a Strong
company, a Sharp team, and a Solid performance).
The reorganization involves costs of GBP 2 million.
For more information, please contact:
Press: Marjolein Moerer, Communications Manager, tel.+31 (0)20 5906320 / cellphone +31(0)6 5352 7622
Analysts: Ian Blackford, Investor Relations Manager, tel. +31 (0)20 5906317 / cellphone +44 (0)7767 227506
CSM is a global producer and distributor of bakery products and food ingredients. CSM’s main product groups include
bakery ingredients and products, lactic acid and lactic acid derivatives, and sugar. With these activities CSM has an
annual turnover of EUR 2.8 billion and a workforce of approximately 8,900. CSM operates in Europe, the United
States, Canada, Brazil, and Asia. More info: www.csm.nl
CSM Bakery Supplies Europe concentrates on the development, production and sale of a wide range of bakery
ingredients and products for professional bakers and the bake-off market. The European market for bakery ingredients
and business-to-business bakery products has an estimated value of EUR 8.5 billion. With a market share of 12% CSM
Bakery Supplies Europe is regarded as the market leader in Europe with number-1 positions in Germany, Italy, the UK,
and France.
BakeMark UK is the leading supplier of bakery ingredients and frozen bakery specialties in the UK. Well-known
brands include Arkady, Craigmillar, Readi-Bake, Caravan Brill and Bon Vivant. BakeMark UK offers distinguishing
innovative products to artisan bakers, industrial bakeries, and the in-store and food-service bakery segments. More info:

Nederlands beknopt,
Voedingsconcern CSM gaat de bakkerij activiteiten in het Verenigd Koninkrijk reorganiseren. Daarbij zullen 74 banen worden geschrapt.
De kosten van de reorganisatie bij onderdeel BakeMark komen uit op 2 miljoen Britse pond (2,9 miljoen euro) kosten.
Volgens CSM zal de reorganisatie in de komende maanden worden uitgevoerd en afgerond.
CSM neemt als uitgangspunt van de structuuraanpassing een meer directe aansturing van de activiteiten, waardoor een groot aantal midden management posities zal verdwijnen.
Daarnaast zal de verkooporganisatie worden aangepast om een sterkere focus op de succesvolle productcategorieën bij BakeMark te bewerkstelligen.
In totaal zullen 74 posities verdeeld over alle functiegebieden in de organisatie vervallen. Bij gedwongen ontslagen zullen de betrokken medewerkers worden begeleid bij het vinden van een nieuwe baan, aldus CSM.
BakeMark is in het Verenigd Koninkrijk naar eigen zeggen de grootste leverancier van bakkerij-ingrediënten en bevroren bakkerijspecialiteiten in het VK.

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