BHP.Strong underlying operational performance, with copper production up 10%

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Overig advies 21/01/2025 06:15
We have released our BHP Operational Review for the half year ended 31 December 2024.

BHP Chief Executive Officer, Mike Henry:

“BHP delivered safe and reliable performance in the first half. Our flagship copper, iron ore and steelmaking coal assets delivered particularly strong production in the period. Copper volumes rose 10%, with Escondida achieving a 10-year production record, more than offsetting the impact of a weather-related power outage at Copper SA. WAIO shipped record half-year tonnes through the port, enabled by supply chain improvements following the completion of major debottlenecking at the port. Steelmaking coal tonnes from the BMA operations were up 14%.

We made further progress on our growth pathways in future facing commodities. In January, we completed the formation of Vicuña Corp. with Lundin Mining to advance the Filo del Sol and Josemaria projects in Argentina, which we consider to be one of the most significant global copper discoveries in decades. In Canada, our Jansen Stage 1 potash project is now 63% complete, with first production scheduled for late 2026, and we continue to execute Stage 2 in parallel.

In Brazil, Samarco, BHP Brasil and Vale signed a comprehensive settlement agreement with the Brazilian government and public authorities for the Samarco Fundão dam failure, reflecting BHP Brasil’s commitment to support the people, communities and environment affected by the tragedy. Our WA Nickel operations were safely transitioned into a period of temporary suspension, with many employees moving into roles to support this phase or within other parts of BHP.

We are well positioned to continue strong momentum into the second half with a number of assets now expected to deliver production in the upper half of their respective ranges, while maintaining tight cost control. BHP is in good shape and we have a clear pathway for growth. ”


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