Rio Tinto ,Chile's vital role in the renewable energy transition

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Overig advies 21/01/2025 05:56
The vast desert landscapes in Chile hold the key to supplying the minerals needed for renewable energy technology globally.

Chile is known for its vast landscapes, high mountains, ancient wonders and vibrant street foods. But its deposits of minerals like copper and lithium could fuel the renewable energy transition.

Mining has been the backbone of the Chilean economy for centuries. And this will continue, as global demand for copper is set to grow around 1.5%-2.5% each year, largely driven by the requirements for renewable energy technologies.

With demand for technologies like electric vehicles and solar panels only continuing to grow, Chile’s natural resource reserves have become increasingly vital.

We are already part of the country’s growth with our current investments in Nuevo Cobre and Escondida. In 2023, we paid $477 million in taxes and royalties – our third largest contribution to any single country globally.

Is Chile the world's largest copper producer?

Chile is the most important copper producer in the world, with nearly one third of the world’s copper coming from the country.

But it wasn’t always that way. Despite the use of copper in Chile tracing back to 500 BC, it wasn’t until 1910 when a new milling process was introduced that low-grade copper deposits became more realistic to mine.

In the 1990s the country experienced a boom in investments and projects that allowed it to exceed 5 million tonnes per year in copper production to this day.

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