Spanish biotech firm Tebrio begins constructing world’s largest insect farm

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Overig advies 19/01/2025 07:40
Biotechnology company Tebrio has begun developing the world’s largest insect farm in Salamanca, Spain, which will produce over 100,000 metric tons of protein and lipid products annually from the mealworm Tenebrio molitor — a species of darkling beetle.

The plant will have a total surface area of 90,000 square meters and be built in six phases, five of which will be for breeding and one for processing. Once completed, production will include high-quality protein and lipids for animal feed products, 100% organic biofertilizers and chitosan, with applications in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and bioplastics sectors.

The breeding and processing of the mealworms do not involve air or soil pollution, as they are insects that do not emit methane, ammonia or other chemical compounds.
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