Sokoman Minerals Completes Phase 1 Diamond Drilling Program Fleur de Lys Gold Project, NW Newfoundland

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Overig advies 25/12/2024 09:15
More than 50% of the holes intersected mineralized structures

St. John’s, NL, December 24, 2024, Sokoman Minerals Corp. (TSXV: SIC) (OTCQB: SICNF) (“Sokoman” or the “Company”) reports that the Phase 1 drill program at the 100%-owned Fleur de Lys Project, has been completed in 23 drill holes. Twenty reconnaissance drill holes evaluated high-priority geochemical and/or geophysical targets, including seven holes in the immediate vicinity of the gold-bearing Golden Bull boulders. Three others (FDL-24-9,10, and 17) tested showings discovered by Noranda in the late 1980s.

All preliminary* assays have been received and compiled. See the table below. Twelve drill holes, including the three holes on the Noranda targets, intersected gold mineralization (>200 ppb). Exploration, including prospecting, mapping, geophysics, trenching, and a Phase 2 drilling program, is planned for 2025 to locate the source of the large, mineralized boulders.

*Some samples require metallics assaying based on >1000 ppb Au initial assay. The additional analysis will not affect the reported highlight results.

Timothy Froude, P. Geo., President and CEO of Sokoman Minerals, states, “Our inaugural drill program was conducted on an 8 km2 section of the 329 km2 Fleur de Lys Project. It returned many promising results, with 50% of the drill holes intersecting gold-bearing structures. The final and most northerly hole (FDL-24-23) intersected five separate gold-bearing veins, which indicates a new direction for further exploration.

We are highly encouraged by our progress, even though we have yet to pinpoint the source of the high-grade Golden Bull gold-mineralized boulder field. We will be interpreting the information collected to date as well as future geophysical surveys to further define the mineralized structures before planning a Phase 2 drill program.” see & read more on

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