Acomo settles €55 million supplier’s claim for immaterial amount

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Overig advies 20/12/2024 06:01
Acomo settles €55 million supplier’s claim for
immaterial amount
ACOMO N.V. (Acomo), the Euronext Amsterdam-listed diversified, plant-based food ingredients Group,
announces that one of its subsidiaries, Tradin Organic Agriculture B.V. ("Tradin") has come to an
agreement to settle a supplier’s claim of €55 million filed with the Dutch court. The agreement also settles
the claim of €1.5 million, filed by Tradin with the English Court, against the same supplier.
The mutually agreed final outcome of the proceedings follows an interlocutory judgement that was rendered on 24 July
2024, and in which, among others, the Dutch Court provisionally ruled that the penalty clause invoked by the supplier
was not valid and the supplier could not invoke it. However, the supplier did have a right to claim for loss of commission
during the period from 31 October 2019 to 31 October 2024.
With a net payment of €300 thousand to be made by Tradin, the final settlement is considerably lower than the
previously communicated expected maximum amount of €1 million.
Allard Goldschmeding, CEO of Acomo commented: “It is unfortunate that this matter required such unnecessarily long
proceedings. However, we have always believed in our legal right and position in this case, and are happy we can now
close this chapter. The lawsuit has not affected Acomo's day-to-day operations and will not have a material impact on
our results.”
This press release contains information that qualifies as inside information within the meaning of Article 7(1) of the
Market Abuse Regulation (596/2014).
[end of press release

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