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Overig advies 17/12/2024 06:45
Vancouver, BC – December 16, 2024 – First Nordic Metals Corp. (the “Company” or “FNM”) (TSX.V:FNM, OTCQB:FNMCF, FRA: HEG0) is pleased to announce the commencement of a top-of-bedrock drilling program (also known as base-of-till drilling (“BoT”)) on its 100%-owned Nippas target (“Nippas”) located in the Storjuktan project area (“Storjuktan” or the “Project”) of the Gold Line Belt, northern Sweden.

Taj Singh, FNM CEO comments: “The Nippas target currently being tested represents an extensive gold and pathfinder element till anomaly on the Storjuktan project, located 28 kilometres north of our resource-stage Barsele project. Nippas is located on a second order splay structure within the Gold Line structural corridor in a setting ideal for large orogenic gold deposits. BoT drilling is the most effective method of targeting potential new discoveries through glacial till cover and has already proven fruitful at our Paubäcken project’s Aida discovery further south. This BoT program sets us up well for diamond drilling Nippas in 2025. On the back of our recent financing, we are now fully funded for aggressive drilling on multiple multi-kilometric targets on the Gold Line through 2025.”

Nippas Exploration Program
The current Nippas BoT drilling program is designed to investigate bedrock sources of a >5 kilometre (“km”) by 250 metre (“m”) wide historic Au-As-Cu-Zn (gold-arsenic-copper-zinc) glacial till anomaly oriented in the prominent ice flow direction. The program will include up to 120 BoT drill holes and is designed to systematically test the bedrock along a 4 km zone interpreted to be the most probable source of the till anomaly based on interpretation of geophysical data and ice flow direction (see Figure 1). Analysis of recently acquired UAV magnetic geophysical data (interpretation ongoing) has identified a second order structural corridor that is parallel to the gold and pathfinder anomaly that will be targeted in the drilling campaign. Historic BoT and diamond drilling campaigns completed near the Nippas target have not focused on the main anomaly area identified recently by FNM.

BoT drilling is an efficient exploration technique in glaciated terrains that provides high-quality geological data and allows direct analysis of underlying bedrock lithologies which have the potential to host mineral deposits. This technique reduces costs significantly compared with conventional reverse circulation or diamond drilling, has a small environmental footprint, and increases the success of identifying potential mineral deposits. It is a critical step in the exploration workflow when exploring under shallow cover, bridging surface surveys and deeper, more targeted drilling programs.

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