Ahold Delhaize announces that its local Belgian brand Delhaize intends to acquire all shares in Delfood NV

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Overig advies 13/01/2025 13:11
The acquisition consists of the complete acquisition of 325 points of sale (supplied by Delfood), Delfood logistics and headquarters in Belgium

Zaandam, the Netherlands, January 13, 2025 – Ahold Delhaize announces that its local Belgian brand Delhaize has reached an agreement with the louis delhaize Group to acquire all shares in Delfood NV. This intended acquisition concerns all of louis delhaize’s points of sale as well as those supplied by Delfood, logistics services and headquarters in Belgium. Delhaize intends to expand its position in the Belgian retail market, particularly in the convenience segment. With this acquisition, the brand will strengthen its network of existing Delhaize stores. The transaction is subject to the approval of the Belgian Competition Authority (BCA). The transaction is expected to close by end of 2025.

Expanding the store network
Delfood brings together 325 points of sale operating under the louis delhaize brand or supplied by the company, the logistics activities and the head office in Belgium. Delhaize plans to expand its network of stores and continue its growth. The louis delhaize brand is part of this transaction and will continue to exist. Delfood's logistics activities and head office will continue to exist and will coordinate louis delhaize's activities as they have done until now.

Delhaize and Delfood will work together to determine the next steps in the acquisition process in accordance with the applicable rules. Details of the agreement will not be disclosed until the transaction has been approved by the Belgian Competition Authority.

Nice nod to history
"The acquisition of Delfood and its stores complements our existing network of stores in Belgium,” says Xavier Piesvaux, Brand President of Delhaize. “With this acquisition, Delhaize can strengthen its position in the Belgian food retail market and can make its food and fresh expertise available to the louis delhaize points of sale. This allows us to stand out even more in the convenience segment, complementary to our existing proximity stores. We are convinced that we can further develop the potential of these louis delhaize and independent points of sale, and together create growth with Delfood’s experienced associates and affiliates. It is also a nice nod to our history: after more than 150 years of existence, this agreement brings together two companies that bear the same name and originated from the same founding family.”

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