Air France-KLM year results 2009-2010

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Overig advies 20/05/2010 06:06
Stronger demand and improvement in unit revenues at the end of the quarter
Better than expected operating result, despite negative impact of 173 million euros from fuel hedging and the effects of adverse weather conditions and the air traffic control strike in February
Positive operating cash flow and stabilization of debt level


15% drop in revenues
Negative impact of 637 million euros due to fuel hedges
Operating loss of 1.28 billion euros

Outlook for FY 2010-11: Objective of operating break-even maintained excluding impact of pre-2009 fuel hedges and subject to definitive cost of European airspace closure

The board of directors of Air France-KLM, chaired by Jean-Cyril Spinetta, convened on 19th May 2010 to approve the accounts for Financial Year 2009-10.

Pierre-Henri Gourgeon, Chief Executive Officer, made the following comments: "2009-10 will go on record as our 'annus horribilis'. The global economic crisis had a profound effect on the entire airline industry. In addition, Air France-KLM had to contend with the tragedy of the Rio-Paris accident of June 1st 2009. During these demanding times, the strengths of the Air France-KLM combination have come into their own, and its efficiencies have proven even greater than expected. As a result, we have been able, together with Peter Hartman, to rapidly implement drastic changes within the group. The entire workforces of Air France and KLM have been mobilized under the motto 'keep the family together', and have delivered an outstanding performance. With their support, we have launched a robust action plan, based on three pillars: controlling capacity and investments, adapting our business models in passenger and cargo, and strengthening our alliance and partnerships. These actions have started to bear fruit and will enable us to emerge from the crisis with a young fleet, a rejuvenated product offer, adapted to the needs of our customers, and a preserved financial position. We are therefore maintaining our objective of operating break-even for the current financial year excluding the impact of pre-2009 fuel hedges, and subject to the definitive cost of the closure of European airspace."

In this difficult context, the board of directors decided not to propose the payment of a dividend in respect of Financial Year 2009-10.

Fourth Quarter
Progressive recovery in demand
Group revenues stood at 5.02 billion euros (-0.8%). Passenger demand picked up, especially at the end of the quarter. A 0.9% increase in traffic, combined with a 3.4% reduction in capacity led to a 3.3 point rise in the load factor to 78.8%. Revenue trends were also positive with an improvement in both premium and economy. In total, unit revenue per available seat kilometer (RASK) was up 2.7%, and by 3.5% on a constant currency basis. Passenger revenues declined slightly to 3.88 billion euros (-1.3%). The operating loss of the passenger business stood at 381 million euros (-239 million euros excluding the impact of pre-2009 fuel hedges).

The restructuring of the cargo business, launched in the previous quarter, started to bear fruit, and coincided with an upturn in activity. As a result the load factor gained 8.9 points to 69.2% on the back of traffic up 0.7% and capacity down by 12.2%. Unit revenue per available ton kilometer (RATK) rose strongly (+28.9% and +30.9% on a constant currency basis). Revenues therefore progressed by 12.3% to 674 million euros. Despite rigorous cost control, the business remained in the red (-63 million euros) but showed a marked improvement on the previous year (-164 million euros at 31st March 2009). Excluding the impact of pre-2009 fuel hedges, the operating loss of the cargo business would have stood at 39 million euros.

Operating costs contained
Although production measured in equivalent available seat kilometers (EASK) declined by 5.1%, unit costs per EASK rose by 4.9%, but by only 1.0% on a constant currency and fuel price basis. Operating costs fell 1.4% to 5.52 billion euros. Excluding fuel, they declined by 4.1%. The group realized 190 million euros in savings in the context of the 'Challenge 12' plan.

For the first time since the beginning of the financial year, the fuel bill rose (+9.3%) to 1.24 billion euros under the combined effects of a reduction in volumes of 6%, a favorable currency impact of 5%, a rise in the jet fuel price of 31% and a negative impact from fuel hedges of 173 million euros.

Other costs also contributed to the overall cost performance:

Employee costs rose slightly to 1.84 billion euros (+1.3%). Excluding the additional contributions to the Air France and KLM pension funds, they would have declined by 0.8%.
Marketing and other costs fell by 1.0% and 16.0% respectively.

The group recorded an operating loss of 497 million euros against 535 million euros a year earlier. Excluding the negative impact of fuel hedges, the operating loss would have been 324 million euros. Elsewhere, the group booked a 152 million euro exceptional provision for restructuring charges mainly related to the voluntary departure plan at Air France.

Net interest charges rose from 47 million euros to 91 million euros on the back of a rise in the cost of debt (+30 million euros) and a decline in interest income (-14 million euros). Other financial income and costs stood at -94 million euros (-96 million euros at 31st March 2009) of which 88 million euros related to a negative exchange result.

The pre-tax loss stood at 943 million euros, while the net loss, group share amounted to 691 million euros. The net loss restated* for non-recurring and non-cash items related to the hedging instruments amounted to 477 million euros (-610 million euros at 31st March 2009).

Both the loss per share and fully diluted loss per share amounted to 2.35 euros (-1.62 euros at 31st March 2009).

During the quarter, the group generated positive operating cash flow of 70 million euros and slightly positive free cash flow, while net debt remained virtually stable.

* As defined in the 2008-09 Reference Document p 117 and p. 6 of the update; reconciliation table available in results presentation

Full Year 2009-10
Passenger traffic declined by 3.2%, less than the reduction in capacity of 4.3%, leading to a 1 point rise in load factor to the high level of 80.7%. In cargo, the decline in traffic (-13.7%) was also below the reduction in capacity (-16.5%), enabling the load factor to gain 2.2 points to 66.5%. In both activities, unit revenues were sharply down relative to the previous year. Total revenues therefore fell by 15.0% to 20.99 billion euros. For production measured in EASK down 6.7%, unit costs per EASK fell 4.4%. Savings realized in the context of the 'Challenge 12' plan amounted to 718 million euros.

The operating loss stood at 1.28 billion euros after a negative impact of 637 million euros linked to the pre-2009 fuel hedges. The adjusted operating loss stood at 1.04 billion euros.

The net loss, group share stood at 1.56 billion euros (-811 million euros at 31st March 2009). The net loss restated* for non-recurring and non-cash items related to the hedging instruments amounted to 1.23 billion euros (-578 million euros at 31st March 2009).

The net loss per share and fully diluted net loss per share both stood at 5.30 euros, against a loss of 2.75 euros at 31st March 2009.

Financial position maintained
Investments net of disposals amounted to 1.04 billion euros at 31st March 2010 (1.9 billion euros at 31st March 2009). Net cash stood at 4.28 billion euros with available credit facilities of 1.2 billion euros (1.1 billion euros as of April 2010).

Shareholders' funds amounted to 5.42 billion euros after the negative impact of the change in fair value of hedging instruments of 325 million euros. Net debt stood at 6.22 billion euros (4.44 billion euros at 31st March 2009). The gearing ratio* stood at 1.15, and 1.08 excluding hedging instruments.

At the end of April 2010, the initial public offering of Amadeus of which the group now holds 15.2%, generated a capital gain of 1.03 billion euros for the group, of which 195 million euros of cash. Based on the balance sheet at 31st March 2010, this transaction reduces the gearing ratio to 0.94, and 0.89 excluding derivative instruments.

The Financial Year 2010-11 started with the shut down of European air space following the volcanic eruption in Iceland. The quasi totality of our passenger, cargo and leisure activities were suspended for four days, followed by a progressive reinstatement of the schedules over three further days. The group estimates the loss in revenues at 260 million euros with a 160 million euro impact on our operating result. As of today, negotiations are ongoing with the relevant authorities concerning the eventual level of compensation. Elsewhere, we are also actively working with the authorities to define a comprehensive and pragmatic approach to the volcanic ash risk, so as to avoid the repetition of unnecessary flight operation stoppages in the future.

For the current year, the group's priorities are to control costs via headcount reduction, and to restore unit revenues by limiting capacity growth (+1% for passenger and zero for cargo). Elsewhere, the benefits of the measures launched in 2009-10 to adapt both our products and our organization will continue to feed through.

As a result, the group maintains its objective of operating break-even excluding the impact of pre-2009 hedges, and subject to the final evaluation of the cost of the European airspace closure, including any compensation.

* As defined in the 2008-09 Reference Document p 117-118 and p.6 of the update; reconciliation table available in results presentation

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