Eurocommercial 22.0% TAKE UP OF STOCK DIVIDEND

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Algemeen advies 30/01/2025 18:03
Stock dividend take up
For the financial year ended 31 December 2024, Eurocommercial’s shareholders representing 22.0% of the issued share capital have opted to receive a stock dividend instead of an interim cash
dividend of €0.68 per share, in accordance with the terms and conditions set by Eurocommercial and disclosed to the market by Eurocommercial on 7 January 2025. As a result of this take up the
Company issued 332,949 new shares at an issue price of €24.48 for each new share. Accordingly, of the available dividend of €36.3 million, an amount of €8.2 million was not paid out in cash.
As a result of the above, on 30 January 2025 Eurocommercial issued, from the Company’s fiscal share premium reserve, and delivered to the shareholders opting for stock dividend 332,949 new
shares. The subscribed and paid-up share capital of Eurocommercial was therefore increased from €545,791,140 (composed of 54,579,114 shares with a nominal value of €10.00 per share) to €549,120,630 (composed of 54,912,063 shares with a nominal of €10.00 per share).
The table below describes the composition of Eurcommercial’s issued share capital before and after the issuance date of 30 January 2025

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