MAG Announces Fourth Quarter and 2024 Production From Juanicipio and Provides Initial 2025 Production Guidance

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Algemeen advies 30/01/2025 07:32
Vancouver, B.C. MAG Silver Corp. (TSX / NYSE American: MAG) (“MAG” or “MAG Silver”) reports production from Juanicipio (56% / 44% Fresnillo plc (“Fresnillo”) and MAG, respectively) for the fourth quarter (“Q4”) and year ended December 31, 2024. These results demonstrate strong sustained quarter on quarter operational performance throughout 2024 and reinforce Juanicipio’s position as a world class silver asset.

Steady throughput: The Juanicipio plant maintained steady production with 333,612 tonnes of ore processed in Q4, consistent with Q3. All material processed in 2024 was processed through the Juanicipio plant.
Solid grade performance: In line with plan, silver head grade averaged 417 grams per tonne (“g/t”) during the quarter delivering a guidance beating 2024 head grade of 468g/t. Both metrics exceeded expectations, reflecting the high quality of the resource.
Consistent precious metal recovery: Incremental metallurgical improvements implemented in the first half of the year delivered consistently high precious metal recovery rates which were further supported by ongoing circuit optimisation efforts.
Robust production output: Preliminary Q4 production included 4.3 million ounces of silver and 9,041 ounces of gold. For the full year, Juanicipio produced a total of 18.6 million ounces of silver and 39,029 ounces of gold, marking a 10.5% and 6.3% year-over-year increase, respectively.
Guidance beat: Enhanced grades and higher recovery delivered silver production exceeding the top end of revised production guidance by 1.3 million ounces reinforcing confidence in Juanicipio’s long-term potential. see & read more on

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