Revival Gold 2024 Year in Review

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Algemeen advies 30/12/2024 14:23
TORONTO, Dec. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Revival Gold Inc. (TSXV: RVG, OTCQX: RVLGF) (“Revival Gold” or the “Company”) is pleased to provide a review of the Company’s key accomplishments over the past year delivering value for our owners and advancing Revival Gold’s portfolio of exciting gold development projects located in the western United States.


Revival Gold realized its ambition to grow potential heap leach gold production and enhance the Company’s path to production by acquiring Ensign Minerals Inc. (“Ensign”), a private company and the owner of the Mercur Gold Project (“Mercur”), an attractive past-producing gold project located in Utah. The acquisition delivered a complementary 6,300-hectare gold project with Inferred Mineral Resources of 89.6 million tonnes at 0.57 g/T containing 1.6 million ounces of gold1.
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