Change in Auditor for the 2025 Financial reporting period

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Algemeen advies 23/12/2024 06:53
Johannesburg, 19 December 2024: In terms of paragraph 3.84 (g) (ii) and 3.86 of the JSE Listings Requirements,
the Board of Directors of Sibanye-Stillwater (JSE: SSW and NYSE: SBSW), following a recommendation from the
Audit Committee, wishes to inform Shareholders that after a formal tender process to appoint a new firm of
external auditors, that BDO South Africa Inc.(BDO) has been appointed as the Company’s external auditors.
Servaas Kranhold will be the designated audit partner for the financial year ending 31 December 2025.
The appointment of Ernst & Young Inc. South Africa (“EY”) as external auditors will end on conclusion of its
responsibilities relating to the audit for the financial year ending 31 December 2024, which is expected to be
concluded during the first half of 2025. BDO’s appointment as external auditors will be effective immediately
after EY’s appointment ends, subject to receiving the requisite shareholder approval at the next annual
general meeting which is expected to be held during May 2025. The change of external auditors was initiated
by Sibanye-Stillwater for commercial reasons.
The Company thanks EY for their contribution over the years and looks forward to working with BDO.
About Sibanye-Stillwater
Sibanye-Stillwater is a multinational mining and metals processing group with a diverse portfolio of operations, projects
and investments across five continents. The Group is also one of the foremost global recyclers of PGM autocatalysts
and has interests in leading mine tailings retreatment operations.
Sibanye-Stillwater is one of the world’s largest primary producers of platinum, palladium, and rhodium and is a top tier
gold producer. It also produces and refines iridium and ruthenium, nickel, chrome, copper and cobalt. The Group has
recently begun to diversify its asset portfolio into battery metals mining and processing and increase its presence in the
circular economy by growing its recycling and tailings reprocessing exposure globally. For more information refer to
Investor relations contact:

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