Unilever, New AI lab to boost innovation, technology and collaboration

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Algemeen advies 19/11/2023 06:13
Unilever’s newly opened AI Horizon3 Lab is leveraging the power of artificial intelligence and human ingenuity to drive innovation and fast track growth across the business. We caught up with the team for a taste of what’s to come.

Unilever is launching a global AI lab in Toronto, Canada.
The lab will start by focusing on three key areas for maximum impact.
New Gen AI and data models will be leveraged to drive growth and innovation.
World-class talent will be recruited to work on a wide range of projects.
From generative AI in marketing to advanced analytics and machine learning in our supply chains, artificial intelligence (AI) is already increasing productivity and efficiency at Unilever.

The question now is: what’s next for AI and how can it work best for our business?

From this week, Unilever’s first AI Horizon3 Lab in Toronto, Canada will be dedicated to answering that question.
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