Natural Resources Market Commentary - Q3 2024

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09/01/2025 17:26
Q3 2024 natural resources saw volatility: Natural gas inventories fell, oil faced a contrarian opportunity, coal stocks rebounded, precious metals surged, uranium saw supply concerns & agriculture/metal markets hinted at shifts. Read our in-depth analysis below.

The article below is an excerpt from our Q3 2024 commentary.

Natural Gas
In the volatile world of U.S. natural gas, the past quarter unfolded with all the drama of a Shakespearean act. Prices began at a modest $2.60 per Mcf, buoyed by the quiet equilibrium of early spring. But by mid-June, the plot had transformed. An unseasonal heat wave gripping the central United States sent prices soaring to $3.15, a rally that spoke as much to the market’s sensitivity as it did to the hot weather. Yet, as quickly as the heat arrived, it receded. Milder temperatures reclaimed the stage and gas prices tumbled in response, bottoming at $1.90 by the end of August.
While market participants obsessed over weather patterns, few paused to consider the silent protagonist in this unfolding drama: inventories. The 2023–2024 winter, among the warmest on record, left a legacy of near-record storage levels. At the outset of the injection season, inventories stood at a staggering 700 Bcf—or 40%— above the ten-year average. Yet, tight fundamentals have nearly erased this surplus in a remarkable turn. Over the third quarter alone, inventories were drawn down by almost 400 Bcf. By quarter’s end, storage levels stood less than 5% above the norm, a quiet but profound shift that few have fully grasped.

This brings us to the present moment, where the market stands at a crossroads. If the coming winter delivers typical cold—after two years of unseasonable warmth—U.S. natural gas prices could well align with international benchmarks which currently hover near $14/MMBtu. The implications are vast, mainly as U.S. natural see & read more on

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