Centerra Gold Publishes 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

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19/07/2024 06:30
Centerra Gold Publishes 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
TORONTO, July 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Centerra Gold Inc. (“Centerra” or the “Company”) (TSX: CG) (NYSE: CGAU) has published its 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) Report, which outlines the Company’s performance on sustainability-related material topics. Key highlights and achievements from the report are included below. The full report can be accessed on Centerra’s website at .

Paul Tomory, President and Chief Executive Officer of Centerra, commented “2023 was a year of meaningful progress in our sustainability journey, marked by significant achievements across the organization. We recognize that ESG contributes to the long-term sustainability, profitability and growth of our Company. Centerra’s dedication to ESG is an important aspect of our corporate identity, endorsed by our Board of Directors and our senior management team.”


Emissions per ounce of gold produced at Centerra’s two main operating sites, Mount Milligan and Öksüt, were 0.22 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (“CO2e”).
Centerra expanded its greenhouse gas (“GHG”) inventory to include all operating sites and those in care and maintenance. Consolidated global Scope 1 and 2 emissions totalled 141,174 CO2e.
The Öksüt mine attained certification from the International Cyanide Management Institute, confirming complete adherence to the International Cyanide Code.
The Mount Milligan mine was awarded a Mine Reclamation Award from the British Columbia Technical and Research Committee on Reclamation.

The number of reportable incidents decreased by 17%

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