Aya Gold & Silver Reports High-Grade Results, Extending Mineralization to 4.2km at Boumadine

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18/09/2023 13:28
Adds New Exploration Permit at Boumadine
Montreal, Quebec, September 18, 2023 - Aya Gold & Silver Inc. (TSX: AYA; OTCQX: AYASF) (“Aya” or
the “Corporation”) is pleased to announce new high-grade exploration drill results at Boumadine and
acquisition of a new adjacent exploration permit at Boumadine in the Kingdom of Morocco. The new
results extend the main mineralized trend by 400 meters and continue to demonstrate continuity of the
Boumadine Main Zone. The north area returned high-grade intersections, which expand the
mineralization both at depth and to the north, with section 5400N to the south extending Boumadine
Main trend as well. The Main Zone remains open in all directions.
Key Highlights1
• Definition of new high-grade mineralization and extension of the South Zone. The Main Zone
now has an open-ended strike length of over 4.2 kilometres (“km”).
o BOU-DD23-143 intersected 1,410 grams per tonne (“g/t”) silver equivalent (“AgEq”) over
9.3 meters (“m”) (12.34 g/t Au, 94 g/t Ag, 2.5% Zn, 0.4% Pb and 0.1% Cu) including 6.1m
at 1,796 g/t AgEq
o BOU-DD23-161 intersected 664 g/t AgEq over 8.4m (4.72 g/t Au, 122 g/t Ag, 1.1% Zn,
0.2% Pb and 0.3% Cu), including 3.9m at 1,280 g/t AgEq and 3.2m at 933 g/t AgEq
o BOU-DD23-168 intersected 698 g/t AgEq over 7.8m (4.36 g/t Au, 97 g/t Ag, 2.4% Zn,
1.3% Pb and 0.2% Cu), including 3.0m at 1,336 g/t AgEq
o BOU-DD23-152 intersected 928 g/t AgEq over 5.9m (7.42 g/t Au, 153 g/t Ag, 0.3% Zn,
1.7% Pb and 0.1% Cu), including 4.9m at 1,056 g/t AgEq
o BOU-DD23-162 intersected 748 g/t AgEq over 7.2m (6.39 g/t Au, 82 g/t Ag, 0.8% Zn,
0.4% Pb and 0.1% Cu), including 1.3m at 1,661 g/t AgEq and 3.2m at 933 g/t AgEq
o BOU-DD23-148 intersected 456 g/t AgEq over 10.4m (2.63 g/t Au, 64 g/t Ag, 2.4% Zn,
0.1% Pb and 0.1% Cu), including 2.3m at 1,195 g/t AgEq
• Acquisition of a 16 km² exploration permit east of Boumadine as part of a reallocation of
exploration permits by the Moroccan Directorate of Mines.
• A video of the Boumadine property showing drilling results to August 2023 can be viewed here.
“Today’s high-grade drill results at Boumadine confirm the continuity and extension of the mineralized
footprint of the Main Zone in every direction,” said Benoit La Salle, President & CEO. “We have completed
61% of our expanded drill exploration program and as the new Boumadine video shows, extended the
Boumadine strike length by over 55% to 4.2 kilometers in the past 12 months. We have also added prime
1 All intersections are in core lengths; Ag equivalent is based on a 100% recovery with the following ratios: 1g/t Au: 93.4 g/t Ag;
1% Cu: 130.4 g/t Ag; 1% Pb: 31.8 g/t Ag; 1% Zn: 54.1 g/t Ag

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